
Shapero Rare Books and Shapero Modern feature in Tatler and Forbes

Shapero Rare Books and Shapero Modern feature in Tatler and Forbes Shapero Rare Books

The past month has seen Shapero Rare Books and our Gallery, Shapero Modern included in Tatler and Forbes magazines respectively. Tatler - The best rare book shops in London 'Shapero, with its blue-painted shelves heaving with leather-bound volumes, is a quiet...

Shapero Rare Books and Shapero Modern feature in Tatler and Forbes Shapero Rare Books

The past month has seen Shapero Rare Books and our Gallery, Shapero Modern included in Tatler and Forbes magazines respectively.

Tatler - The best rare book shops in London

'Shapero, with its blue-painted shelves heaving with leather-bound volumes, is a quiet literary sanctuary. They’re especially good on illustrated books – from the fifteenth to twentieth centuries, and they have a gallery too, Shapero Modern, holding exhibitions of their modern and contemporary prints.'

To read the full article, please click here.

Forbes - Highlights from Frieze Masters 2018

'Robert Indiana at Shapero Modern.... "The American Dream" is a true collector's piece, a set of 30 screen prints in colours by the late pop artist Robert Indiana and poems by Robert Creeley, bound in black leather. It includes a print of one of the most widely recognised works in the world: 'LOVE'. Robert Indiana's works all speak to the vital forces that have shaped the American culture in the last half of the 20th century.....'

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Shapero Rare Books is an internationally renowned dealer in London, specialising in antiquarian & rare books and works on paper, with particular expertise in fine illustrated books from the 15th to the 20th century, travel & voyages, natural history, modern firsts, rare children’s books, guidebooks, Hebraica & Judaica, Eastern European, and Islamica

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