Captain Slaughterboard Drops Anchor.
Vendor:PEAKE, Mervyn.SoldRegular price £275Regular priceUnit price per -
Captain Slaughterboard Drops Anchor.
Vendor:PEAKE, Mervyn.SoldRegular price £3,500Regular priceUnit price per -
Captive Elephant Bull
Vendor:HOPPE, Emil Otto.SoldRegular price £300Regular priceUnit price per -
Captivity of two Russian Princesses in the Caucasus:
Vendor:[VERDEREVSKY, Evgeny Aleksandrovich]; EDWARDS, H. Sutherland (translator).SoldRegular price £2,000Regular priceUnit price per -
Car Nikita.
Vendor:PUSHKIN, Alexander; SIROTSKY, Roman (illustrator).SoldRegular price £950Regular priceUnit price per -
Carl Jugel's Post- u. Reise-Karte von Deutschland
Vendor:JUGEL, Carl [and] HENDSCHEL, U[lrich].SoldRegular price £320Regular priceUnit price per -
Carlton House Terrace facing the Mall.
Vendor:HOPPE, Emil Otto (archive).SoldRegular price £300Regular priceUnit price per -
Carlton House Terrace from St James' Park, London.
Vendor:HOPPE, Emil Otto.SoldRegular price £350Regular priceUnit price per -
Carpenters. Hindoos. Madras. No. 446.
Vendor:[Photographer unknown].SoldRegular price £150Regular priceUnit price per -
Carrying Bananas, Jamaica.
Vendor:HOPPE, Emil Otto.SoldRegular price £300Regular priceUnit price per -
Carrying On—
Vendor:HAY, Ian [pseud. BEITH, John Hay].SoldRegular price £475Regular priceUnit price per -
Carsija, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Vendor:[PEER, Alois (attributed to].SoldRegular price £425Regular priceUnit price per -
Carte Colombophile
Vendor:[?PIGEON, A.]SoldRegular price £50Regular priceUnit price per -
Carte de Champagne et de Brie avec les pays circonvoisins;
Vendor:BAZIN.SoldRegular price £250Regular priceUnit price per -
Carte de la Crimée.
Vendor:[CRIMEAN WAR] -SoldRegular price £1,450Regular priceUnit price per -
Carte de la Souverainete de Neuchatel et Vallangin [...].
Vendor:DE L'ISLE, Guillaume.SoldRegular price £400Regular priceUnit price per -
Carte des Nouvelles Decouvertes au Nord de la Mer du Sud, tant à l'Est de la Siberie et du Kamtchatka, Qu'a l'Ouest de la Nouvelle France
Vendor:BUACHE, Philippe; DELISLE, Joseph Nicolas.SoldRegular price £2,500Regular priceUnit price per -
Carte et plan précis de Sébastopol et de ses environs.
Vendor:[CRIMEAN WAR] BUFFA, J. (publisher).SoldRegular price £475Regular priceUnit price per -
Carte la plus generale et qui comprend La Chine,
Vendor:D'ANVILLE, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon.SoldRegular price £2,500Regular priceUnit price per -
Cartella A
Vendor:PISTOLETTO, MichelangeloSoldRegular price £8,000Regular priceUnit price per -
Cary's actual survey of Middlesex,
Vendor:CARY, John.SoldRegular price £1,850Regular priceUnit price per -
Casanova and Venice.
Vendor:SYMONS, Arthur.SoldRegular price £3,750Regular priceUnit price per -
Cascale di Terni.
Vendor:SOMMER, Giorgio.SoldRegular price £250Regular priceUnit price per -
Cassiopea Cephus Ursa Minor Draco
Vendor:[CELESTIAL] FLAMSTEED, John.SoldRegular price £2,750Regular priceUnit price per -
Catalogue des vases peints du Musee national d'Athenes.
Vendor:NICOLE, Georges.SoldRegular price £1,250Regular priceUnit price per -
Catalogue of Anglo-Jewish Historical Exhibition, 1887. Royal Albert Hall.
Vendor:JACOBS, Joseph & WOLF, Lucien (compilers).SoldRegular price £2,750Regular priceUnit price per -
Catalogue of the Anglo-Jewish Historical Exhibition
Vendor:JACOBS, Joseph; WOLF, Lucien.SoldRegular price £3,250Regular priceUnit price per -
Catalogue of the Exhibition of Photographs from the Mount Everest Expedition 1921.
Vendor:ALPINE CLUB.SoldRegular price £450Regular priceUnit price per
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