Ostanovka v Pustyne [A Stop in the Desert].
Vendor:BRODSKY, Joseph.SoldRegular price £2,500Regular priceUnit price per -
Pishu kak Pishetsia [In His Own Write].
Vendor:LENNON, John.SoldRegular price £450Regular priceUnit price per -
Polnoe Sobranie Sochinenii [The Complete Works].
Vendor:ZHUKOVSKY, Vasily.SoldRegular price £750Regular priceUnit price per -
Druzhnia Rada abo 'Veseli zharty – smikhu varti'. Zbirnyk opovidan', kazok, virshiv ta baiok [Friendly Council or 'Funny Jokes - Worth Laughing'. Collection of Stories, Folk Tales,<br />Verses and Fables].
Vendor:POLISHCHUK, Klym (editor).SoldRegular price £2,000Regular priceUnit price per -
Nov' [Virgin Soil].
Vendor:TURGENEV, Ivan Sergeevich.SoldRegular price £4,500Regular priceUnit price per -
Vse Techet [Everything Flows].
Vendor:GROSSMAN, Vasiliy.SoldRegular price £450Regular priceUnit price per -
Filosofiia Svobody [The Philosophy of Freedom].
Vendor:BERDIAEV, Nikolai Aleksandrovich.SoldRegular price £750Regular priceUnit price per -
O trekh rytsariakh i o rubakhe [The Three Knights and the Shirt].
Vendor:LEBEDEV, Ivan (illustrator); EHRENBURG, Ilya (translator); BAISIEUX, Jacques de.SoldRegular price £2,500Regular priceUnit price per -
Vol'che solntse. Kniga stikhov vtoraia [Wolves' Sun: Second Book of Verse].
Vendor:BURLIUK, David; EXTER, Alexandra; LIVSHITS, Benedikt.SoldRegular price £2,950Regular priceUnit price per -
Vendor:PLATONOV, Andrei.SoldRegular price £750Regular priceUnit price per -
Dead Souls.
Vendor:GOGOL, Nikolay Vasilievich.SoldRegular price £1,500Regular priceUnit price per -
Skazki. [Tales].
Vendor:GORKY, Maxim (pseud. PESHKOV, Alexei).SoldRegular price £300Regular priceUnit price per -
Forel' Razbivaet Led. Stikhi 1925-1928. [The Trout Breaks the Ice. Poems from 1925-1928].
Vendor:KUZMIN, Mikhail.SoldRegular price £550Regular priceUnit price per -
Stal'noi Solovei. [Steel Nightingale].
Vendor:ASEEV, Nikolai.SoldRegular price £650Regular priceUnit price per -
Braga. Vtoraia Kinga Stikhov. [Home-brewed Beer. Second Book of Poetry].
Vendor:TIKHONOV, Nikolai.SoldRegular price £450Regular priceUnit price per -
Lishnie Liudi. [Superfluous People].
Vendor:ZOSHCHENKO, Mikahil.SoldRegular price £450Regular priceUnit price per -
Saryn' na kichku. Stikhi Izbrannye. [To the bow, gang! Selected poems].
Vendor:KAMENSKY, Vasily.SoldRegular price £800Regular priceUnit price per -
Kapitanskaia Dochka. [The Captain's Daughter].
Vendor:PUSHKIN, Alexander Sergeevich.SoldRegular price £2,750Regular priceUnit price per -
Evgeniy Onegin. Roman v Stikakh. [Eugene Onegin. A novel in verse.]
Vendor:PUSHKIN, Alexander; GOFMAN, M. (editor).SoldRegular price £2,500Regular priceUnit price per -
Kuranty Lyubvi. [The Seasons of Love].
Vendor:KUZMIN, Mikhail; SUDEIKIN, Sergey; FEOFILAKATOV, Nikolai.SoldRegular price £650Regular priceUnit price per -
Posle Rossii 1922-1925. [After Russia 1922-1925].
Vendor:TSVETAEVA, Marina.SoldRegular price £3,950Regular priceUnit price per -
The Queen of Spades.
Vendor:PUSHKIN, Alexander Sergeevich; ALEXEIEFF, Alexandre (illustrator).SoldRegular price £675Regular priceUnit price per -
Korol', Dama, Valet'. [King, Queen, Knave].
Vendor:SIRIN, V. [NABOKOV, Vladimir].SoldRegular price £2,800Regular priceUnit price per -
Udarniy Kvartal.
Vendor:KIRSANOV, Semen Isaakovich.SoldRegular price £500Regular priceUnit price per -
Prostoe kak mychanie. [Simple like mooing].
Vendor:MAYAKOVSKY, Vladimir Vladimirovich.SoldRegular price £3,000Regular priceUnit price per -
Oblako v Shtanakh. Tetraptikh. [The Cloud in Trousers. A Tetraptych].
Vendor:MAYAKOVSKY, Vladimir Vladimirovich.SoldRegular price £2,000Regular priceUnit price per
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