Priklyucheniia Alisy v strane chudes. Skazka, rasakazannaia Boris Zakhoderom.
Vendor:CARROLL, Lewis (pseud. DODGSON, Charles Lutwidge); KALINOVSKIY, Gennadiy (illustrator).SoldRegular price £700Regular priceUnit price per -
Vishneviy Sad: Komediia v chetyrekh deystviiakh. [The Cherry Orchard: A comedy in four acts].
Vendor:CHEKHOV, Anton.SoldRegular price £4,500Regular priceUnit price per -
Bliznets v tuchakh. [Twin in the Clouds].
Vendor:PASTERNAK, Boris.SoldRegular price £7,500Regular priceUnit price per -
Vozmezdie. [Retribution].
Vendor:BLOK, Alexander.SoldRegular price £300Regular priceUnit price per -
Boris Godounov.
Vendor:PUSHKIN, Alexander; ZWORYKINE, Boris (illustrator).SoldRegular price £1,250Regular priceUnit price per -
Detstvo. [My Childhood].
Vendor:GORKY, Maxim (pseud. PESHKOV, Alexei).SoldRegular price £350Regular priceUnit price per -
Kak ia uchilsia. Rasskaz. [How I studied. A story].
Vendor:GOR'KIY, Maksim.SoldRegular price £350Regular priceUnit price per -
Liren'. [Lilac].
Vendor:ASEEV, Nikolai; GURO, Elena; MAYAKOVSKIY, Vladimir; PASTERNAK, Boris; PETNIKOV, Grigory; KHLEBNIKOV, Velimir.SoldRegular price £450Regular priceUnit price per -
Anfisa. A Drama in four acts.
Vendor:ANDREEV, Leonid.SoldRegular price £200Regular priceUnit price per -
Buka russkoi literatury. [The Bogeyman of Russian literature].
Vendor:BURLIUK, David.SoldRegular price £600Regular priceUnit price per -
Tsar Golod. Predstavlenie v piati kartinakh s prologom.
Vendor:ANDREEV, Leonid; LANCERAY, Eugene (illustrator).SoldRegular price £750Regular priceUnit price per -
Bol'shak. Povest dlia detei [Bolshak. A story for children].
Vendor:KRUGLOV, Alexander Vasilievich.SoldRegular price £200Regular priceUnit price per -
The Tale of Tsarevich Ivan, The Fire-Bird and Grey Wolf.
Vendor:BILIBIN, Ivan.SoldRegular price £1,350Regular priceUnit price per -
Opyty. [Experiments].
Vendor:[RUSSIAN EMIGRÉS].SoldRegular price £800Regular priceUnit price per -
Chernichniy Dedka. [Old Man Blackcurrant].
Vendor:BESKOW, Elsa.SoldRegular price £1,800Regular priceUnit price per -
Stikhi o revolyutsii. [Poems on the Revolution].
Vendor:MAYAKOVSKY, Vladimir.SoldRegular price £850Regular priceUnit price per -
Siniaia Boroda [Blue Beard].
Vendor:TURGENEV, Ivan Sergeevich (translator); PLOSHINSKII, Sergei (illustrator).SoldRegular price £475Regular priceUnit price per -
Tolkoviy slovar' zhivogo velikorusskogo iazyka.
Vendor:DAHL, Vladimir Ivanovich.SoldRegular price £2,750Regular priceUnit price per -
Khristos Voskres. [Christ Has Risen].
Vendor:BELIY, Andrey.SoldRegular price £375Regular priceUnit price per -
Pesn' o Veshchem Olege: K stoletiyu o dnia rozhdeniia Pushkina 26 Maia 1899 god.
Vendor:VASNETSOV, Vasiliy; ZAMIRAILO, V. D. (illustrators); PUSHKIN, Alexander.SoldRegular price £1,950Regular priceUnit price per -
Pesni starosti. Stikhotvoreniia 1892-1898. [Songs of the old age. Poems 1892-1898].
Vendor:ZHEMCHUZHNIKOV, Aleksey Mikhailovich.SoldRegular price £950Regular priceUnit price per -
Al'bom pamyati A. S. Pushkina: XV risunikov.
Vendor:[PUSHKIN].SoldRegular price £9,750Regular priceUnit price per -
Russian Fables by A.I. Krylov with parallel translation into French and Italian by different authors.
Vendor:KRYLOV, Ivan Andreevich.SoldRegular price £8,000Regular priceUnit price per -
Igor, poema geroicheskaia: perevod s russkogo s prisokupleniem dvukh ballad vziatykh iz Zhukovskogo s rossiyskim podlinnikom i raznykh stikhotvoreniy.
Vendor:ZHUKOVSKY, Vasiliy; BLANCHARD, N. (translator).SoldRegular price £4,250Regular priceUnit price per -
Yurkin Khuturok. [Iura's Farm].
Vendor:CHARSKAIA, Lidiia Alekseevna.SoldRegular price £450Regular priceUnit price per -
Vot Tak Kiski.
Vendor:FEDORCHENKO, Sofia Zakharovna, USHAKOVA, N. (artist).SoldRegular price £300Regular priceUnit price per -
[Encounter with a Moscow Acquaintance in the Detachment [in] Library for Reading [№12, December].
Vendor:TOLSTOY, Leo and others.SoldRegular price £2,750Regular priceUnit price per -
Bednaia Nevesta. [The Poor Bride].
Vendor:OSTROVSKY, Aleksandr Nikolaevich.SoldRegular price £4,000Regular priceUnit price per -
Poedinok [v] Sbornike Tovarishchestva 'Znanie' za 1905 god. Kinfga 6.
Vendor:KUPRIN, Alexandr [and others].SoldRegular price £1,250Regular priceUnit price per -
Almanakh' Grif. [Grif Almanach 1903-1913].
Vendor:BLOK, Aleksandr, Andrey Beliy, Konstantin, Bal'mont, Maksimilain Voloshyn and others.SoldRegular price £1,350Regular priceUnit price per
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