The Great Betrayal: The forced deportation of Сossaks in Lienz and other locales.
Vendor:NAUMENKO, V.G.SoldRegular price £750Regular priceUnit price per -
Al'bom pamyati A. S. Pushkina: XV risunikov.
Vendor:[PUSHKIN].SoldRegular price £9,750Regular priceUnit price per -
Paterik Kievo-Pecherskiy.
Vendor:[Kyivo-Pechers'ka Lavra].SoldRegular price £5,750Regular priceUnit price per -
Menu from the Tsar's Coronation.
Vendor:VASNETSOV, Viktor.SoldRegular price £4,000Regular priceUnit price per -
Grandes Galeries du Commerce sur la Place Rouge à Moscou.
Vendor:RAZMADZÉ, A.S. and F.A. TASTEVIN.SoldRegular price £2,250Regular priceUnit price per -
Petr Velikiy, ego polkovodtsy i ministry: 23 portreta s prisovokupleniem kratkikh o zhizni ikh opisaniy.
Vendor:[PETER THE GREAT].SoldRegular price £5,950Regular priceUnit price per -
Saemmtliche Truppen von Europa...Russland.
Vendor:ECKERT, Heinrich Ambrose; MONTEN, Dietrich.SoldRegular price £500Regular priceUnit price per -
Ofitser Lineinogo Kazach'ego polka v maloi forme.
Vendor:[CAUCASUS LINEAR COSSACKS].SoldRegular price £850Regular priceUnit price per -
Emperor Alexander I.
Vendor:MIKHAILOVICH, Grand Duke Nikolay.SoldRegular price £3,000Regular priceUnit price per -
[Historical and Biblical Events from the Birth of Christ until mid XV Century].
Vendor:KEDRIN, Georgiy and Ioann Ioannovich SIDOROVSKIY (translator).SoldRegular price £1,500Regular priceUnit price per -
Vystavka 1812 goda: illyustrirovannoe izdanie.
Vendor:[NAPOLEONIC WARS]. BOZHOVSKIY, Vasiliy Konstantinovich.SoldRegular price £7,000Regular priceUnit price per -
L'Imperatrice Elisabeth, epouse d'Alexandre I.
Vendor:Grand-Duc Nicolas Mikhailovitch.SoldRegular price £4,500Regular priceUnit price per -
Jeu des Cosaques.
Vendor:[COSSACKS].SoldRegular price £1,250Regular priceUnit price per -
Doklad po voprosu obrabotki dereva po sisteme Payelia.
Vendor:ALEKSANDROV, podporudchik and leytenant TAMPLIN.SoldRegular price £650Regular priceUnit price per -
L'Armée Russe D'Après les Photographies Instantanées Executées par MM. de Jongh Frères.
Vendor:JONGH, F. and E. de and P. CAMENA d'ALMEIDA.SoldRegular price £850Regular priceUnit price per -
The Allied Generals with the Officers of their Respective Staffs before Sebastopol.
Vendor:[CRIMEAN WAR] - BARKER, Thomas Jones (artist).SoldRegular price £3,000Regular priceUnit price per -
Sketches on the Intrinsic Strength, Military and Naval Force of Russia and France;
Vendor:[NAPOLEONIC WARS].SoldRegular price £1,750Regular priceUnit price per -
[Ice transportation in Russia].
Vendor:КОЛЬМАН, Карл Иванович. [KOLLMANN, Karl Ivanovich].SoldRegular price £3,000Regular priceUnit price per -
A Dialogue between John Bull and the Czar [and]<br />The Russians Won't Come Out.
Vendor:[CRIMEAN WAR].SoldRegular price £475Regular priceUnit price per -
Russian Military Costume: Officers of the Army of Duke Potemkin 1788-1791. Plate] 534.
Vendor:[DRANER, Jules-Renard.SoldRegular price £500Regular priceUnit price per -
Russian Military Costume: Grenadier of the Musketeers 1786-1796. Plate] 529.
Vendor:[DRANER, Jules-Renard.SoldRegular price £500Regular priceUnit price per -
Russian Military Costume: Brigadier 1764-1786. Plate] 550.
Vendor:[DRANER, Jules-Renard.SoldRegular price £500Regular priceUnit price per -
Russian Military Costume: Trumpeteer - Carabinieri Regiment 1786-1796. Plate] 587.
Vendor:DRANER, Jules-Renard.SoldRegular price £500Regular priceUnit price per -
Russian Military Costume: Private Carabinieri Regiment 1763-1778. Plate] 575.
Vendor:[DRANER, Jules-Renard.SoldRegular price £500Regular priceUnit price per