An historical and geographical account of the Morea,
Negropont, and the maritime places, as far as Thessalonica. Illustrated with 42 maps of the countries, plains, and draughts of the Cities, Towns and Fortifications.
London, for Matth. Gillyflower and W. Canning, 1687
As often with works by Coronelli, this copy exhibits some differences from the list of plates, with no Port Lion plate at p 195 and no plate of the Ebb and flow of the Euripus at p 212, but with additional plates of Volo at p 220, and Golfe D'Engia at p 183.
First English edition; 12mo, folding map and 42 copper engraved folding plates, Veue de Coron (p. 77) with long tear at fold, Fortresse de Cerrigo (p. 179) with short tear, Athens (p. 197) with short tear at fold, contemporary sheep, sometime rebacked, a very good copy.
Cf. Blackmer 407 (French edition).
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