Travels in the regions of the Upper and Lower Amoor
Vendor:ATKINSON, Thomas [Witlam].SoldRegular price £650Regular priceUnit price per -
Mahlerische Darstellungen der Sitten, Gebräuche und Lustbarkeiten bey den Russischen,
Vendor:GEISSLER, ChristianGottfried Heinrich (artist).SoldRegular price £5,750Regular priceUnit price per -
Dnevnye zapiski plavaniia Vitse-admirala [...] Gavrily Sarycheva po Baltiiskomy moriu i Finskomu zalivu [...]
Vendor:SARYCHEV, Gavriil Andreevich.SoldRegular price £7,500Regular priceUnit price per -
Moeurs et costumes des Russes,
Vendor:HOUBIGANT, Armand Gustave.SoldRegular price £15,000Regular priceUnit price per -
A Polar reconnaissance.
Vendor:MARKHAM, Albert Hastings.SoldRegular price £475Regular priceUnit price per -
Vidy Kavkaza [Views of the Caucasus].
Vendor:ROGOZINSKY, Leontii.SoldRegular price £4,500Regular priceUnit price per -
The Seat of the War in the East.
Vendor:SIMPSON, William.SoldRegular price £15,000Regular priceUnit price per -
Voyage dans la Russie méridionale et la Crimée, par la Hongrie, la Valachie et la Moldavie exécuté en 1837... [with]
Vendor:DEMIDOFF, M. Anatole de; RAFFET, Auguste, DURAND, André (illustrators).SoldRegular price £25,000Regular priceUnit price per -
Abbildung und Beschreibung der Voelkerstaemme und Voelker unter des Russischen Kaisers Alexander menschenfreundlichen Regierung.
Vendor:HEMPEL, Friedrich Ferdinand; GEISSLER, C.G.H.SoldRegular price £3,750Regular priceUnit price per -
Russia and England from 1876 to 1880
Vendor:[NOVIKOFF, Olga].SoldRegular price £675Regular priceUnit price per -
Piat' vidov rossiyskikh i sibirskikh gorodov.
Vendor:MAKHAEV, Mikhail Ivanovich and others.SoldRegular price £6,950Regular priceUnit price per -
The Mongols.
Vendor:HOWORTH, Henry H.SoldRegular price £2,500Regular priceUnit price per -
Puteshestvie po Kitayu v 1874-1875 gg.
Vendor:[PIASSETSKY, Pavel].SoldRegular price £1,850Regular priceUnit price per -
Voyage dans la Russie meridionale et la Crimee, par la Hongrie, la Valachie et la Moldavie.
Vendor:DEMIDOFF, Anatole de, and [Denis] RAFFET.SoldRegular price £750Regular priceUnit price per -
America's Siberian Adventure.
Vendor:GRAVES, William S.SoldRegular price £750Regular priceUnit price per -
Kashgariia. Istoriko-geograficheskiy ocherk strany, eia voennayia sila, promyshlennost' i torgovlia.
Vendor:KUROPATKIN, Aleksei Nikolaevich.SoldRegular price £4,500Regular priceUnit price per -
Captivity of two Russian Princesses in the Caucasus:
Vendor:[VERDEREVSKY, Evgeny Aleksandrovich]; EDWARDS, H. Sutherland (translator).SoldRegular price £2,000Regular priceUnit price per -
The Oil Fields of Russia.
Vendor:BEEBY-THOMPSON, Arthur.SoldRegular price £2,250Regular priceUnit price per -
Skobeleff and the Slavonic cause by O.K.
Vendor:[KIRREV, Olga].SoldRegular price £475Regular priceUnit price per -
Travels in Russia.
Vendor:WILSON, William Rae.SoldRegular price £650Regular priceUnit price per -
Rapport sur les eaux minérales du Caucase.
Vendor:[CAUCASUS]. DRU, Leon.SoldRegular price £3,000Regular priceUnit price per -
Vidy gory Blagodati i zavodov Goro-Blagodatskago okruga.
Vendor:[URALS MINING ALBUM].SoldRegular price £2,950Regular priceUnit price per -
Account of the Russian discoveries between Asia and America;
Vendor:COXE, William.SoldRegular price £2,250Regular priceUnit price per -
Rerum Moscoviticarum auctores.
Vendor:HERBERSTEIN, Sigismund von.SoldRegular price £6,000Regular priceUnit price per -
Travels in the Trans-Caucasian Provinces of Russia,
Vendor:WILBRAHAM, Captain Richard.SoldRegular price £1,750Regular priceUnit price per -
Side-Lights on Siberia.
Vendor:SIMPSON, James YoungSoldRegular price £300Regular priceUnit price per -
Travels to the seat of war in the East,
Vendor:ALEXANDER, Captain James Edward.SoldRegular price £1,250Regular priceUnit price per
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