The Wandering Civil Servant of Stradivarius.
Vendor:CECIL, Desmond.SoldRegular price £22Regular priceUnit price per -
America's Siberian Adventure.
Vendor:GRAVES, William S.SoldRegular price £750Regular priceUnit price per -
Filosofiia Svobody [The Philosophy of Freedom].
Vendor:BERDIAEV, Nikolai Aleksandrovich.SoldRegular price £750Regular priceUnit price per -
Des Cosaques,
Vendor:[UKRAINE]. KARR, L. J.SoldRegular price £1,250Regular priceUnit price per -
Personal Impressions.
Vendor:BERLIN, Isaiah.SoldRegular price £1,500Regular priceUnit price per -
Russian Empire Loan Bond signed by Nathan Mayer Rothschild and Talon.
Vendor:[RUSSIAN EMPIRE].SoldRegular price £2,500Regular priceUnit price per -
Zhanna D'Ark. [Joan of Arc].
Vendor:GRANSTREM, Eduard.SoldRegular price £950Regular priceUnit price per -
Moia Zhizn: Opyt Avtolitografii. [My Life. An attempt at an autobiography].
Vendor:TROTSKY, Leon.SoldRegular price £7,500Regular priceUnit price per -
Le Capital.
Vendor:MARX, Karl.SoldRegular price £4,500Regular priceUnit price per -
Persecution of the Jews in Russia.
Vendor:LIVERPOOL Commission.SoldRegular price £750Regular priceUnit price per -
Filosofiia Svobodnogo Dukha. [Philosophy of the Free Spirit].
Vendor:BERDIAEV, Nikolai.SoldRegular price £3,750Regular priceUnit price per -
Vladimir Solovev. Zhizn' i Uchenie. [Vladimir Solovev. His Life and Works].
Vendor:MOCHULSKY, Konstantin.SoldRegular price £2,800Regular priceUnit price per -
Vidy gory Blagodati i zavodov Goro-Blagodatskago okruga.
Vendor:[URALS MINING ALBUM].SoldRegular price £2,950Regular priceUnit price per -
Autograph letter from Leon Bakst to Ella Hepworth Dixon.
Vendor:BAKST, Leon.SoldRegular price £1,500Regular priceUnit price per -
Rerum Moscoviticarum auctores.
Vendor:HERBERSTEIN, Sigismund von.SoldRegular price £6,000Regular priceUnit price per -
24 croquis pittoresques dessinés après nature dans la Russie en 1812.
Vendor:ADAM, Albert (Albrecht).SoldRegular price £15,000Regular priceUnit price per -
Apostol' Istiny. Istoricheskaia povest' o zhizni odnogo iz velikikh geroev nauki [The Apostle of Truth. Historical tale of the life of the one of the great heroes of science].
Vendor:ALTAEV, Alexandra (pseudonym of Margarita Rokotovna).SoldRegular price £250Regular priceUnit price per -
Voina i nasha trofei [The War and Our Trophies].
Vendor:BOZHERYANOV, Ivan Nikolaevich; SOKOLOVSKIY, Mikhail Konstantinovich; DIMITRIEV-KAVKAVSKIY, Lev Evgrafovich (illus.); RUNDALTSEV, Mikhail Viktorovich (illustrator).SoldRegular price £1,500Regular priceUnit price per -
Versuch einer systematischen Uebersicht der Heilquellen des russischen Reichs.
Vendor:SCHERER, Alexander Nicolas.SoldRegular price £3,500Regular priceUnit price per -
Dela i liudi Aleksandrovskogo vremeni [Affairs and People of Alexander I's epoch].
Vendor:MELGUNOV, Sergey Petrovich.SoldRegular price £975Regular priceUnit price per -
The Diary of A.V. Khrapovitskiy 1782 - 1793.
Vendor:BARSUKOV, Nikolai (editor).SoldRegular price £1,250Regular priceUnit price per -
Tolkoviy slovar' zhivogo velikorusskogo iazyka.
Vendor:DAHL, Vladimir Ivanovich.SoldRegular price £2,750Regular priceUnit price per -
Tsar' Fedor Ioannovich v postanovke moskovskogo khudozhestvennogo teatra.
Vendor:TOLSTOY, Aleksey Konstantinovich.SoldRegular price £1,500Regular priceUnit price per -
Emperor Paul I.
Vendor:SHILDER, Nikolay Karlovich.SoldRegular price £3,950Regular priceUnit price per -
Yubileinaia pamiatka konnogvardeitsa 1706-1931.
Vendor:КОZLIANINOV, Vladimir Fedorovich.SoldRegular price £1,250Regular priceUnit price per -
Belaia Rossia
Vendor:DENISOV, Sviatoslav Varlamovich (editor).SoldRegular price £675Regular priceUnit price per -
Gvardeiskii otriad pochetnogo konvoia Ego Velichestva v Turetskuyu voinu 1877-1978 gg.
Vendor:MATSKEVICH, Nikolay Ivanovich.SoldRegular price £1,250Regular priceUnit price per -
Voyage philosophique, politique et litteraire, fait en Russie pendant les annees 1788 et 1789.
Vendor:[CATHERINE II, THE GREAT]. CHANTREAU, [Pierre-Nicolas].SoldRegular price £650Regular priceUnit price per -
Programme. Palais du Kremlin. 25 Mai 1896.
Vendor:[NICHOLAS II] -SoldRegular price £500Regular priceUnit price per
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