SPENCE, Joseph.
or, an enquiry concerning the agreement between the works of the Roman poets, and the remains of the antient artists. Being an attempt to illustrate them mutually from one another. In ten books. By the Revd. Mr. Spence.
Stock Code 103715
London, Dodsley, 1747
'Joseph Spence (1699 – 1748) was an English scholar of both literature and anecdote, who spent the majority of his life travelling throughout Europe. During these travels he wrote many of his most distinguished pieces, and received inspiration for other literary works and lectures he went on to give at Oxford.
Polymetis, published in 1747, reflected Spence's first visit to Italy and draws upon the works he observed while there. Written in dialogue form, it provides a history and criticism on subjects such as Roman sculpture, mythological art, and Latin poetry, complete with illustrations' (Wythepedia, George Wythe Collection, William & Mary's Wolf Law Library).
First edition. Folio, xii, 361, [1], pp., 41 engraved plates, some double-page, engravings in text, occasional light browning, contemporary russia, covers with wide gilt borders, spine richly gilt, a very handsome example.
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