The Epic of Mount Everest.
Vendor:YOUNGHUSBAND, Sir Francis.SoldRegular price £250Regular priceUnit price per -
The Alps from End to End.
Vendor:CONWAY, Sir William Martin.SoldRegular price £200Regular priceUnit price per -
The Kangchenjunga Adventure
Vendor:SMYTHE, Frank Sydney.SoldRegular price £200Regular priceUnit price per -
Everest 1933.
Vendor:RUTTLEDGE, Hugh.SoldRegular price £500Regular priceUnit price per -
Climbing and Exploration in the Karakoram-Himalayas.
Vendor:CONWAY, William Martin; McCORMICK, A.D.SoldRegular price £3,000Regular priceUnit price per -
Historical portraiture of leading events in the life of Ali Pacha,
Vendor:DAVENPORT, W.SoldRegular price £3,500Regular priceUnit price per -
Bradford on Mount Fairweather
Vendor:WASHBURN, Bradford.SoldRegular price £150Regular priceUnit price per -
The life of Horace Benedict de Saussure.
Vendor:FRESHFIELD, Douglas W.SoldRegular price £1,250Regular priceUnit price per -
A Voyage to Abyssinia,
Vendor:SALT, Henry.SoldRegular price £1,250Regular priceUnit price per -
L'ancienne Athènes,
Vendor:PITTAKIS, K[yriákos].SoldRegular price £4,500Regular priceUnit price per -
Voiage de Levant fait par le Commandement du Roy en l'annee 1621.
Vendor:DESHAYES, Louis, Baron de Courmenin.SoldRegular price £5,000Regular priceUnit price per -
Le tres devot voyage de Ierusalem,
Vendor:ZUALLART, Giovanni.SoldRegular price £6,500Regular priceUnit price per -
Damas et le Liban.
Vendor:PARIS, Louis Philippe d'Orleans, Comte de.SoldRegular price £1,250Regular priceUnit price per -
Histoire generale de la religion des Turcs.
Vendor:BAUDIER, Michel.SoldRegular price £1,950Regular priceUnit price per -
A Journey to Paris in the Year 1698.
Vendor:LISTER, Dr Martin.SoldRegular price £2,000Regular priceUnit price per -
Lettres écrites sur une dissertation d'un Voyage en Grèce,
Vendor:GUILLET de SAINT-GEORGE, [Andre Georges].SoldRegular price £2,750Regular priceUnit price per -
Dr. Livingston: his life and adventures.
Vendor:[LIVINGSTONE]. ADAMS, H.G.SoldRegular price £850Regular priceUnit price per -
Vendor:PRICE, Lake (illustrator); FORD, Richard.SoldRegular price £25,000Regular priceUnit price per -
Narrative of a residence at the Court of Meer Ali Moorad;
Vendor:LANGLEY, Edward Archer.SoldRegular price £1,500Regular priceUnit price per -
Narrative of travels and discoveries in northern and central Africa, in the years 1822, 1823, and 1824 ...
Vendor:DENHAM, Major Dixon; CLAPPERTON, Capt. Hugh.SoldRegular price £750Regular priceUnit price per -
Pictures of life in Mexico.
Vendor:MASON, R.H.SoldRegular price £650Regular priceUnit price per -
Stamboul Souvenir d'Orient.
Vendor:PREZIOSI, Amadeo.SoldRegular price £17,500Regular priceUnit price per -
Travels in Russia, Persia, Turkey, and Greece, in 1828-9.
Vendor:ALCOCK, Thomas.SoldRegular price £3,500Regular priceUnit price per -
Medical notes on climate, diseases, hospitals, and medical schools, in France, Italy, and Switzerland;
Vendor:[LAENNEC, R.-T.-H.]; CLARK, James.SoldRegular price £2,500Regular priceUnit price per -
The travels of Cyrus ...
Vendor:RAMSAY, Andrew.SoldRegular price £375Regular priceUnit price per -
Travels along the Mediterranean, and parts adjacent;
Vendor:RICHARDSON, Robert.SoldRegular price £850Regular priceUnit price per -
Narrative of a journey through the upper provinces of India, from Calcutta to Bombay, 1824-1825.
Vendor:HEBER, Reginald.SoldRegular price £750Regular priceUnit price per -
Researches in the highlands of Turkey;
Vendor:TOZER, Henry Fanshawe.SoldRegular price £1,500Regular priceUnit price per
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